Discover packaging decontamination by pulsed light at Polski Kongres Napojowy 2024

From October 9 to 11, 2024, Claranor will be taking part in the Polski Kongres Napojowy, a important event for players in Poland’s beverage industry. Claranor, in partnership with BHZ our representative in Poland will present its solutions for packaging decontamination using pulsed light.The technology combines efficiency, respect for the environment and resource savings.

Proven solutions for the Polish beverage industry

With 22 Claranor machines already integrated into production lines in Poland, our pulsed light technology attracts interest from beverage manufacturers. It meets the need for decontamination of caps, preforms, bottle necks and aluminum cans for a wide variety of beverages, from mineral waters to sensitive juice or unpasteurized beverages such as Kombucha and craft beer.

By opting for pulsed light, Polish producers have chosen chemical-free solutions, thus avoiding chemical residues in their packaging, even those with liners. This guarantees optimum protection of product quality.

Why pulsed light?

Pulsed light is a decontamination technology based on the emission of extremely powerful flashes of light, capable of eliminating micro-organisms present on packaging surfaces.

This solution offers numerous advantages:

  • Proven effectiveness: Our microbiological tests have demonstrated a significant reduction in bacteria and molds on packaging.
  • Adaptability to packaging shapes and formats, to speed line.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: With very low energy consumption, this technology helps minimize the environmental impact of production processes.
  • Water savings and elimination of chemicals: Unlike other decontamination methods, pulsed light uses neither water nor chemicals, making it an ideal solution for companies concerned with environmental sustainability and health safety.
  • Non thermal: it respects the integrity of the packaging.
More information on our Beverage Sterilization Solutions

A dedicated team to present our solutions

At the Polski Kongres Napojowy 2024, Anna Moutier from the Claranor team and Kamil Smoliński will be on hand to present our solutions and answer any questions. They will also share with you the results of our microbiological tests on different types of packaging.

A must-attend event for the Polish beverage industry

Over the years, the Polski Kongres Napojowy, organized by Bikotech has become one of the major events in the Polish beverage industry. Every year, it brings together the sector’s most innovative players, from beverage producers to technology suppliers and distributors. The congress is the ideal opportunity to discover the trends and innovations shaping the future of the industry.

For Claranor, this 2024 edition is a unique opportunity not only to present our latest advances in packaging decontamination, but also to strengthen our ties with our Polish partners. We are convinced that the ecological and efficient solutions we offer represent the future of beverage production, and we look forward to sharing our expertise with all participants.

See you at Polski Kongres Napojowy 2024!

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