Claranor Ste’Refill® for l’Occitane
L'Occitane chooses the Ste'Refill Claranor pulsed light sterilization solution to offer its customers protection and preserved quality as part of its launch of in-store refill Fountain.
L'Occitane chooses the Ste'Refill Claranor pulsed light sterilization solution to offer its customers protection and preserved quality as part of its launch of in-store refill Fountain.
Since 2014, around ten Claranor pulsed light sterilization machines have been operating in South Korea. Claranor adapts and offers solutions corresponding to the demands of its customers: low or high speeds (up to 100,000 bph), cap and preform, or even cup and lid. And more recently the decontamination of films and metal cans and lids for powdered milk and sweetened condensed milk.
Claranor Intense Pulsed Light packaging decontamination: a technological asset for the Turkish market. Market trends in Turkey have been marked over the last 5 years by a consumer desire to adopt better quality food. Consuming organic food, paying attention to consuming healthy products, or caring about the origin of the product before buying it.
Aptar Food + Beverage, a global leader in dispensing solutions for more than 30 years, is pleased to announce a technical collaboration with Claranor, the world leader in Pulsed Light packaging sterilization. This synergy highlights the benefits of the FULLCAP® sterilization solution with the Uno sport cap family in polypropylene (PP) material, specifically adapted for use with functional beverages.
Since 2012, Claranor has been operating in the UK to offer its Pulsed Light sterilisation solutions. More than 12 machines are already in operation. Claranor is able to adapt and offer solutions to meet the needs of its customers: high or low speed, caps and preforms or cups and lids. And more recently the decontamination of films and metal cans and lids for milk powder and sweetened condensed milk.
Claranor and the cap market In 2021, 247 Claranor cap machines were sold worldwide, 110 of which were for the water market, 120 for the dairy market, and 40 for other products such as juices and sauces. The adaptability of Claranor pulsed light decontamination solutions As far as the beverage market is concerned, the use of pulsed light to sterilize caps is a relevant and economical solution, already used by a number of beverage giants.
Le marché alimentaire polonais s'oriente vers des boissons et des produits laitiers plus sains. Cette tendance vers un approvisionnement alimentaire plus naturel, écologique et plus respectueux de l'environnement place Claranor en tête de liste des choix de stérilisation des emballages dans l'industrie alimentaire.
The Polish market is focused on healthier dairy and beverage products. This trend towards more natural and more environmentally conscious food supply places Claranor at the top of the list for packaging sterilization choices in the food industry.
Claranor team wish you a Merry Christmas and a bright new year! Keep in touch in 2021! Come along and discover with our team our innovative pulsed light packaging decontamination solutions
Book 15 to 45 mn with our team to discuss with our Pulsed light sterilization experts! Discover our packaging decontamination solutions, our innovations, visit our workshop!